CHOOSE, the Swiss Group for Original and Outside-the-box Software Engineering, is a special interest group of the SI (Swiss Informatics Society). CHOOSE is a non-profit organization that focuses on building a bridge between research and industry through various kinds of events in Switzerland, and on sponsoring students that conduct research in the area of software engineering.

Board members

Tudor Girba - feenk gmbh

Beat Fluri - AdNovum

Thomas Fritz - University of Zurich, Treasurer

Jiri Lundak - REDpill GmbH

Michele Lanza - University of Lugano

Harald Gall - University of Zürich

Oscar Nierstrasz - University of Bern, President

Baltisar Oswald - SBB

Sander Tichelaar - Credit Suisse

Get involved

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Join our low-traffic announcement mailing list.

Follow @ChooseCH on Twitter.

You can contact the board to propose an organization of an event, or to request a sponsorship.