Thomas is a professor in computer science at the University of Bern, where he heads the Logic and Theory Group.

He studied computer science, mathematics, and philosophy in Bern, where he also completed his PhD in 2001. His thesis focused on the mathematical modeling of object-oriented programming languages. After the PhD, he was a senior software engineer for Crosspoint Informatik AG. Later, he rejoined the Institute of Computer Science as a lecturer.

Thomas Studer serves on the board of the Swiss Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science. Since 2019, he has been the head expert for computer science of the Matura Commission Canton Bern. Between 2016 and 2024, he was a member of the Executive Committee of the Platform Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics (MAP) of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT).

Full CV

Postal address

Prof. Dr. Thomas Studer
Universität Bern
Institut für Informatik
Neubrückstrasse 10
CH-3012 Bern


thomas DOT studer ÄT unibe DOT ch

Office location

Neubrückstrasse 10, 3rd floor, office 316